Short bio

Ciao ! I am Carolina, 47 years old, mother of two young girls. I live in Bruxelles since 2011.

I was born in Spoleto (Umbrie) but grew up in Rome. I left Rome in June 2002, after a MSc  degree in Economics from "La Sapienza"  and a short internship at the Ministry of Economics and Finance. Since then and until now, my professional journey can be described in three phases.

1/ The exploration phase (2002-1010) - consultant/economist, from Milan to developing countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Angola, India, Bangladesh) to Brussels.

2/ The academia phase (2011-2021) - 4 years PhD  in Brussels, 3 years postdoc in UC Berkeley and Brussels, and 4 years full-time lecturer in Groningen.

3/  The independence phase (from 2022) - part-time university lecturer and part-time my favourites hobbies:  yoga, tidying-up/decorating spaces, hosting at home and personal development/growth

It is a visceral need that the skills I develop are of some use for the world. Not only for me. I need to use these skills for some greater purpose. Bring them outside of myself. As you will read in my web, in the current phase I am in the process of transforming my hobbies into useful services I can offer to the society.