My Library

Another passion is a search for wisdom and happiness. I read on various topics: astrology, numerology, I Ching, Buddhism,Yoga, the Chakras, and so on. Here my recent readings...

On Wisdom

"Souhaites-tu réussir ta vie? La sagesse, en son sens philosophique c'est l'ideal d'une vie réussie. Non pas réussir dans ta vie - avoir un métier en vue de gagner beaucoup d'argent ou de reconnaissance sociale - mais réussir ta vie :  mener une existance bonne et heureuse." 

"La Sagesse" by Frederic Lenoir. 


It can tell you a lot about yourself. 

For example, my sun is in Lion, the performer. My moon in Cancer, the healer. My ascendent is Taurus, the silent one. I have three planets (Venus Mercury and Mars) in Virgo, the perfectionist. It tells a lot about me. 

Get your birth date, time and place, build your birth-chart and read the Steven Forrest book.


"The life you were born to live" by Dan Millman. 

How to find your number? Just add the digits of your birthdate. For example, I am born on 20 August 1976, so I add 2+0+8+1+9+7+6= 33. And then, add 3+3=6. My number is 33/6. 

What does 33/6 mean? 

I Ching

Flip three coins six times and read your daily oracle in the I Ching, the ancient Chinese wisdom. The three most renewed translations of the I Ching are written by:

On Mindfulness

"The power of now" by Ekchart Tolle

Why Buddhism is true" by Robert Wright

"The mind is a fraud" by Osho

The Chakra system

"The Wheels of Life" by Anodea Judith.

I like to think at the seven chakras as the seven core aspects of everyone which should function properly. 

Isn't it ?

The Economics of Happiness

Economists assumes that households maximise money. Money is considered an indicator of happiness. However, recent studies have shown that money and happiness do not go hand-by-hand. 

The field of study called the Economics of Happiness tries to measure happiness directly via survey questions and so to redesign the objective function of households.