Chapter in book and notes
What Use for Flexible Microsavings? Lessons from SafeSave
The success of both microcredit and micro-savings products rests upon simplicity and standardization in order to stimulate client discipline. However, these products lack flexibility. This paper attempts to make sense of behavioural product design in microfinance. We focus on the potential tradeoffs between discipline and flexibility. While discipline devices encourage clients to make payments on time, microfinance product flexibility improves clients’ day-to-day money management and helps them cope with shocks. Our contribution is twofold. Firstly, we highlight the evidence based advantages and disadvantages of flexible products in microfinance. Secondly, we present best-practice examples of flexible products offered by microfinance institutions worldwide.
The full article is here .
Pourquoi et comment faire du microcrédit en Europe occidentale
Le microcrédit en Europe s'adresse aux personnes intéressées à développer une activité indépendante, mais qui n'ont pas accès au secteur bancaire "classique". Les façons de faire du microcrédit en Europe sont nombreuses et les types de structures actives variés. Il est à présent possible de formuler des recommandations adaptées aux pays européens afin d'y améliorer l'offre... Petit tour d'horizon. .
The full particle is here .